Grants of up to $3,000 to New Brunswick artists to advance their careers by presenting work at an established arts event. Funding is intended to increase the representation of professional artists at events and competitions and offer opportunities for artists to public...
Grants of up to $2,000 and grants of up to $3,000 to New Brunswick professional artists for study programs and mentorships that promote career development. Funding is intended to support full-time studies in post-secondary programs and art schools, part-time post-secon...
Grants of up to $5,000 to New Brunswick indigenous and First Nations individuals, communities, and organizations for nonprofit programs and events. Funding is intended for small-scale educational, cultural, and social activities. Activities can include gatherings, poww...
Grants to New Brunswick artists for the production of original arts projects. Funding is intended to enable artists to research, develop, and implement creative works in a range of artistic disciplines. Eligible applicants include professional artists who may be mid-ca...
Grants of $2,000 to New Brunswick artists to support activities that promote their work and advance their artistic development. Funding is intended to allow artists who display outstanding talent to gain resources and develop techniques that further growth in the field...
Grants to New Brunswick periodical publishers to assist with operations and publishing costs. Funding is intended to present and produce periodicals to foster an appreciation of the arts and literature. Eligible periodicals are in the following categories: drama, poetr...